Tensor categories

Victor Ostrik
University of Oregon

Abstract: This series of talks will be devoted to the theory of tensor categories which is a mathematical side of quantum symmetries. We will discuss basic definitions, examples and constructions of such categories, as well as some structure theory and classification results.

Suggested lectures as prerequisites:

1) Categories, functors, natural transformations, some idea about additive and abelian categories

2) Finite dimensional algebras over (alg closed) fields: Wedderburn-Artin theory and Jacobson radical; projective and injective modules

3) Representations of groups

4) Cohomology of groups: cocycles and coboundaries. (Seccions 1.1 and 1.2 of the document.)

Lecture notes

Notes by Harshit Yadav

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

Problem session

In charge of Paul Gustafson

Problems 1

  1. Make precise and prove the following statement: Functors and multi-functors between semisimple categories are determined (up to natural isomorphism of functors) by their values.
  2. Let be a category with a tensor product and an associativity constraint satisfying a pentagon axiom. Let be an object such and the functors and are fully faithful. Prove that is the unit object of . (cf Lemma 4.2.6 of [KS]).

  3. Let be a monoidal category and . Prove that the (right) dual objects of are all canonically isomorphic. (see Proposition 2.10.5 in [EGNO]).

  4. Let be a monoidal category.

    (a) Define “most obvious” monoidal structure on the category . Show that is braided if and only if the tensor product functor is a tensor functor (this means that braidings are in bijection with the structures of tensor functor).

    (b) Assume is braided. Define ``most obvious’’ braided structure on the category . Show that is symmetric if and only if the tensor product functor is braided.

  5. Prove that the two hexagon axioms in the definition of a braided monoidal category are independent, that is none of them imply the other one. Hint: think about pointed categories with trivial associator.

  6. Let be two objects such that . Prove that is invertible. (see Ex 4.12 from [KS]).

  7. Give a description of pointed categories in terms of normalized cocycles (see e.g. Exercise 2.3.9 in [EGNO]).

  8. Give a complete classification of pointed fusion categories with the underlying group . Include the description in the case of tensor, braided tensor, and symmetric categories. What are possible pivotal/spherical structures? (see Problem 4.5 (v) from [KS]).

  9. Replace the group by in the previous exercise.

  10. (See Problem 4.13 from [KS]) Let and assume that there is and an isomorphism . Then we have two isomorphisms , namely and .

    (a) These two isomorphisms are not necessarily the same.

    (b) These two isomorphisms are or are not the same independently of the choice of .

    (c) If the isomorphisms are the same the object generates a subcategory of equivalent to .

    (d) The ratio of the two isomorphisms is always a root of 1 of degree .

  11. Show that there exists a surjective tensor functor from to where is nontrivial.

  12. Compute explicitly the associativity constraint for the Fibonacci category.

  13. Describe braided pointed fusion categories in terms of abelian cocycles (see Exercises 8.4.3-8.4.6 in [EGNO]).

  14. Compute the action of on . (See Example 2.6.4 in [EGNO]).

  15. Let number of pointed fusion categories such that the isomorphism classes of simple objects form a cyclic group of order up to tensor equivalence. Compute as much as possible.


[KS] = M.Kashiwara, P.Schapira “Categories and sheaves”.

[EGNO] = P.Etingof, S.Gelaki, D.Nikshych, V.Ostrik “Tensor categories”.

Tensor categories - César Galindo