Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations from a Categorical Point of View

Gabriella Böhm
Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Abstract: Folklore says that (Hopf) bialgebras are distinguished algebras whose representation category admits a (closed) monoidal structure. In the planned course we give a precise mathematical meaning to this folklore and show how the definitions of (Hopf) bialgebras and their various generalizations can be derived from this principle. The algebraic structures discussed in this uniform framework will include classical (Hopf) bialgebras over fields and, more generally, in braided monoidal categories; (Hopf) bialgebroids over an arbitrary base algebra, as well as their particular instances whose base algebra possesses a separable Frobenius structure, known as weak (Hopf) bialgebras; and (Hopf) bimonoids in so-called duoidal categories.

The lectures will be based on the book:


Böhm, G.
Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations from a Category Theoretical Point of View.
Springer LNM 2226 (2018)

Some standard references on Hopf algebras:

Abe, E.
Hopf Algebras.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1977)

Montgomery, S.
Hopf Algebras and Their Actions on Rings.
CBMS Lecture Notes, vol. 82.
American Mathematical Society, Providence (1993)

Sweedler, M.E.
Hopf Algebras.
W.A. Benjamin, New York (1969)

Two books on category theory (the first one is a classic and one of the best, the second one is open)

MacLane, S.
Categories for the Working Mathematician.
Springer (1978)

Riehl, E.
Category Theory in Context
Dover Publications

Problem session

In charge of Johan García
Universidad de los Andes

Homeworks in PDF

Problem session 1

  1. Consider functors and induced by - bimodules and . Show that any natural transformation between them is induced by a unique - bimodule map .
  2. An adjunction can equivalently be described by the following data.
    • functors and
    • natural transformations and such that the following diagrams commute;

          \xymatrix@C=35pt@R=15pt{      & rlr \ar[rd]^-{1\varepsilon} \\      r \ar[ru]^-{\eta 1} \ar@{=}[rr] &&      r}      \qquad\qquad      \xymatrix@C=35pt@R=15pt{      & lrl \ar[rd]^-{\varepsilon 1} \\      l \ar[ru]^-{1 \eta} \ar@{=}[rr] &&      l}

    The natural transformation is called the unit and is called the counit of the adjunction.

  3. For any adjunction with unit and counit , verify bijective correspondences between natural transformations of the following kinds.
    • Between natural transformations and , for any functors , and any category .
    • Between natural transformations and , for any functors , and any category .
  4. From any monoidal category there is a strong monoidal equivalence to the following strict monoidal category.

    The objects consist of a functor and a natural isomorphism such that for all objects the following diagram commutes.

       \xymatrix{    (tX\otimes Y) \otimes Z \ar[r]^-{\tau_{X,Y} \otimes {\bf 1}}    \ar[d]_-{\alpha_{tX,Y,Z}} &    t(X \otimes Y) \otimes Z \ar[r]^-{\tau_{X\otimes Y,Z}} &    t((X \otimes Y) \otimes Z) \ar[d]^-{t\alpha_{X,Y,Z}} \\    tX \otimes (Y\otimes Z) \ar[rr]_-{\tau_{X,Y\otimes Z}} &&    t(X \otimes (Y\otimes Z))}

    The morphisms are natural transformations such that for all objects of the following diagram commutes.

      \xymatrix{    tX \otimes Y \ar[r]^-{\tau_{X,Y}} \ar[d]_-{\varphi_X \otimes {\bf 1}} &    t(X \otimes Y) \ar[d]^-{\varphi_{X\otimes Y}} \\    t'X \otimes Y \ar[r]_-{\tau'_{X,Y}} &    t'(X \otimes Y)}

    The monoidal product of the objects and consists of the composite functor and the natural isomorphism whose components are

     \xymatrix@C=20pt{   t'tX \otimes Y \ar[r]^-{\tau'_{tX,Y}} &   t'(tX \otimes Y) \ar[r]^-{t'\tau_{X,Y}} &   t't(X \otimes Y) }.

    The monoidal product of morphisms is the Godement product of natural transformations. The monoidal unit is the identity functor with the identity natural isomorphism.

  5. Show that the composite of monoidal functors is monoidal; symmetrically, the composite of opmonoidal functors is opmonoidal.

Problem session 2

  1. Prove that in an adjunction between monoidal categories, there is a bijective correspondence between the monoidal structures on and the opmonoidal structures on .

  2. Consider an adjunction and a strong monoidal structure on ; then there is a corresponding opmonoidal structure on . Regard on the opmonoidal structure provided by the inverses of and ; and on the composite functors and take the composite opmonoidal structures. Prove that with respect to these structures the unit and the counit of the adjunction are opmonoidal natural transformations.

  3. Show that the antipode of a Hopf algebra is an algebra homomorphism from to the opposite algebra . Symmetrically, show that the antipode is a coalgebra homomorphism as well from to the opposite coalgebra.

  4. Show that in any -coring , the image of the comultiplication is central in a suitable -bimodule; concretely, for any and , .

Problem session 3

  1. Show that any linear map between Frobenius algebras, which is a homomorphism of both algebras and coalgebras, is invertible.
  2. Prove that the following categories are isomorphic:
    • The category whose objects are the separable Frobenius algebras over a given field; and whose morphisms are those linear maps which are both algebra and coalgebra homomorphisms.
    • The category whose objects are the separable Frobenius functors from the monoidal singleton category 𝟙 to the monoidal category of vector spaces; and whose morphisms are those natural transformations which are both monoidal and opmonoidal.
  3. Show that for a weak bialgebra , the map satisfies the following identities for any .
    • so in particular ,
    • so in particular ,
    • so in particular
  4. Show that a monoid in the monoidal category of algebras over a given field is precisely a commutative -algebra.

  5. Spell out the diagrams which the structure morphisms of a duoidal category must render commutative.
Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations from a Categorical Point of View - César Galindo